Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο


The dissemination of the results is aimed at:

1. Local, regional and national level:

  • The entire university community (undergraduate and graduate students, professors, administrative staff, Rectorate) who will be the direct beneficiaries of this project.
  • Associations, foundations and companies related to climate change.
  • Public authorities.

2. European and international level:

  • Public in general in order to raise awareness about the problem of climate change and how to approach it from different areas.
  • International university networks.

Given the transcendent importance of the project's theme (climate change), a broad dissemination plan will be drawn up at local, national and European level. The development and results of this project will be disseminated through various activities and channels that include:

  • Dissemination of the project through the website of the project
  • Diffusion through the platform
  • Dissemination through social networks (facebook, instagram, Twitter)
  • Dissemination through the web pages of each partner University
  • Dissemination through the Erasmus + Results platform
  • Dissemination in mass media: newspapers, radio and television.

In addition, brochures and posters will be prepared for the multiplier event.

All materials (intellectual products / tangible products) developed in this project will be freely available, protected by copyright (CREATIVE COMMONS LICENCE), on the project platform for downloading and use.

The results of CtwoSEAS project will be available in the web page of each institution. The budget of the project consider the maintenance and updating of the platform during the next 5 years after the project finish. The Community of Practice will work and grow with miles of users from all Europe (teachers and students) so, it will rest alive for ever, because the contents will also be alive do to the constant sharing of knowledge from the users.

Once the project finish each partner will contact the Local Educational Administration to programme conferences at as many Secondary Schools as possible to get the students to feel seriously about the climate change. We will present the teachers of Secondary Schools our project and, specially, the Community of Practice (CoP), inviting them to participate with their students, to follow some lessons from the platform, and being active using all the materials that they will find in CtwoSEAS CoP.

We'll also prepare some light materials for Primary Schools levels, and also will invite teachers to join the platform. Taken profit of the possibility to make virtual conferences from the platform (Colibri Zoom, BBB, etc.), we will offer online conferences about climate change and will publish them in our Web page, the platform CoP, the partners faculties and social networks. These conferences will open and free, with a duration of 1 hour. We will programme several conferences per year and when it is necessary for a special fact in relation with climate change around the world.

Some examples:

Gonçalves, Vitor; Exposto, José; Patrício, Maria Raquel; Silva, Elisabete Mendes; Chumbo, Isabel; Garcia-Tartera, Francisco & Castiñeiras, Pedro (2020). Projeto europeu para a educação em alterações climáticas e tecnologias web associadas. In Moreira, J.A.; García-Valcárcel, A.; Gutiez Cuevas, P.; Gonçalves, Vitor (Eds.) VI Conferência Ibérica de Inovação na Educação com TIC: ieTIC2020: livro de resumos. Porto. URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10198/22652 

González Burgos, Elena & Garcia Tartera, Francisco J. (2020). CTwoSEAS: educación global para frebar el cambio climático. I Congreso de Comunicación del Cambio Climático, 6 y 7 de Octubre 2020, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

López, Blanca Rodríguez; Castiñeiras, Pedro; & Aranaz Corral, Inmaculada (2020). Comunicación científica y sesgos cognitivos. I Congreso de Comunicación del Cambio Climático, 6 y 7 de Octubre 2020, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.