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Community of Practice article

Climate Changes You

Climate change, resulting from variations in the solar cycle, transformations proven by natural phenomena and consequences of human activities, have been the trigger for the main discussions related to the environment, bringing together people, companies and institutions to propose innovative and sustainable solutions on the subject.

Climate Emergency Webinar

Marking the International Day against Climate Change, Sair da Casca – sustainability intelligence in action, as a promoter of Education for Sustainability, holds, on October 22, a webinar with the theme Climate Emergency.

Consequências das alterações climáticas

As alterações climáticas afetam todas as regiões do mundo. As calotas polares estão a derreter e o nível do mar está a subir. Em algumas regiões, os fenómenos meteorológicos extremos estão a tornar-se cada vez mais comuns e a pluviosidade está a aumentar, enquanto, noutras, as vagas de calor e as secas estão a agravar-se.

De acordo com as previsões, estes impactos irão intensificar-se nas próximas décadas.

Consequences of climate change on airborne pollen in Bavaria, Central Europe

Climate change affects the reproductive life cycles of plants, including pollen production, which has consequences for allergic respiratory diseases. We examined climatic trends at eight locations in Bavaria, Southern Germany, with pollen time series of at least 10 years (up to 30 years in Munich). Climate change in Bavaria was characterized by a rise in temperature, but not during the winter. There is also a trend towards a more continental climate in Bavaria, which is significant in the Alps in the south of the territory. The influence of climate change depended on pollen type.

6 Free Tools for Teaching About Climate Change

As part of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), students need to "ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in global temperatures over the past century." Many teachers have little to no formal training in how to teach about climate change. Along with the ever-changing research and the controversy that comes with it, it's understandable that some teachers may shy away from the content, or even prevent students from digging in too deep.