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Community of Practice on Climate Change - Consequences

Community of Practice on Climate Change


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    Consequências das alterações climáticas
    As alterações climáticas afetam todas as regiões do mundo. As calotas polares estão a derreter e o nível do mar está a subir. Em algumas regiões, os fenómenos meteorológicos extremos estão a tornar-se cada vez mais comuns e a pluviosidade está a aumentar, enquanto, noutras, as vagas de calor e as secas estão a agravar-se. De acordo com as previsões, estes impactos irão intensificar-se nas próximas décadas.
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    Consequences of climate change on airborne pollen in Bavaria, Central Europe
    Climate change affects the reproductive life cycles of plants, including pollen production, which has consequences for allergic respiratory diseases. We examined climatic trends at eight locations in Bavaria, Southern Germany, with pollen time series of at least 10 years (up to 30 years in Munich). Climate change in Bavaria was characterized by a rise in temperature, but not during the winter. There is also a trend towards a more continental climate in Bavaria, which is significant in …